“Valentine’s Day is coming!” my daughter exclaimed surrounded by pink and red hearts at the store.
“Yup,” I replied, swiftly pushing my cart past the displays.
Valentine’s Day has long been a holiday that caused an inner battle for me. On one hand, I spout that it’s a silly Hallmark holiday and we should show people we love them every day. Of course, while I’m saying this I secretly long for sweet declarations of everlasting love, preferably with a heart-shaped box of chocolates and flowers.
And therein lies the problem. I hate it and love it all at once, so maintaining my expectations is precarious, to say the least. Especially for my husband.
None of this is ideal for a day all about love.
Instead of letting the war rage, I’ve decided to be honest, embrace the best of it, and let the rest go. Here’s how.
First, I’m reminding myself where love comes from. When I remember that God is love and Valentine’s Day is about love, it takes the pressure off creating some magical greeting card holiday and shifts the focus to loving those around me well.
To do that I’ve divided things into two main two categories because, well, there’s love with kids and there’s love with the hubby. Ready to get started?
Kid and Family Ideas
Simple Kid Craft
I’m not talking about Pinterest here. Well, okay, you can find it on Pinterest, but it needs to be simple. An hour or less from start to finish. No crying, no wishing you had never started, and preferably no glitter.
Here are a few ideas to keep your sanity and spread the love:
Heart Butterfly Craft (http://bit.ly/48klEpP)
Fruit Loop Heart Bird Feeder (https://bit.ly/3RPVPqz)
Heart-Shaped Ninja Turtle (https://bit.ly/41TpfbR)
Super Easy Heart Wreath (https://bit.ly/41Odq6B)
Teddy Bear Graham Cookies Holding Conversation Hearts (https://bit.ly/3TJ3dGM)
The most important part of Valentines is to know what you’re dealing with. Know the rules, get the class list, and know if your kid needs a special box or if a grocery bag will do. Knowing what is required ahead of time saves you from a massive headache later.
Next is to get them early and work on a few each day instead of a tear-filled cram session the night before. This makes a big difference, especially for the little ones.
Finally, remember you are not trying to outdo anyone else. Do what works for you and move on. No one remembers who gave the Valentine with the best sticker.
Use this time to remember what is important. Be together, and my favorite way to do that is with extra snuggle time and books.
Serve Someone
Thinking about others is a great way to show love outside your family. Work together and color pictures or grab some premade cookie dough and bake. It’s always a good time to remember people who are important to you like school staff, police, fire and EMS workers, library staff, and homeless shelters. You can even bring some dog treats to the animal shelter. The point is spreading the love together!
Romantic Ideas
Be Honest
Think about what you want from your spouse and be honest. Saying you don’t want anything if you want to be surprised with a dozen long-stemmed roses is a no-win situation. It is okay, even preferred, to communicate what would make you feel special. And don’t forget to give your partner the same opportunity.
Think Ahead
If going out is important, plan ahead and get a sitter on the calendar. It’s a popular night to go out so make sure you book early and pay well. If you want a certain type of flower, order them ahead of time. If you want to eat at a certain restaurant, make a reservation. You’ll be glad you did.
Think Outside the Box
Be flexible with what you do and when you do it. If you can get away for a Valentine's breakfast or lunch while the kids are at school, go for it! If you want to celebrate the day after, decide on the details and make it happen. Whatever you do, make your plan so you don’t feel like you both forgot.
Celebrate at Home
This is my favorite. Grab a special dessert and a bottle of bubbly to have at home after the kids are asleep. Light candles and enjoy being together in the peace of your own home.
Remember When
Take a few minutes and go down memory lane. Look at old pictures or even your wedding video. Tell funny stories, visit a favorite place, or do something you used to do when you were first together.
For a bonus, you can look at how to love other people in your circle. How can you show the cashier love today? What about the secretary at the kid’s school or the person in the next cubicle? Sharing love doesn’t have to happen on February 14th, but it’s a great reminder to love others well.
The best way to enjoy Valentine’s Day is to do what works for you! Be purposeful about celebrating this day devoted to love.
Rebecca Hastings is a former elementary teacher who traded the classroom for writing when she stayed home with her three children. Passionate about authenticity, faith, and family, you can find her at RebeccaHastings.net and on Amazon. In real life, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places, or wherever there is chocolate.