Registration Deadline for Buffalo Middle Schoolers Chess Championships
Buffalo & Erie County Public Library -- Central Library 1 Lafayette Square, Buffalo, New York 14203

Players must register before April 13 at with name, USCF ID (if applicable), school, grade, and phone number. Two sections: 4th/5th graders and 6th/7th graders. Each section limited to 20 players.
All players must bring a Staunton style chess set with algebraic chess board and digital chess clock (if available). Players should bring a bag lunch and their own snacks.
USCF rules enforced. “Touch move,” Castling – must touch the King first, then the Rook.
Swiss format, four games. Time control; Game 25, with 5 second delay.
Report by 10 am., seated at 10:30 am. Games start promptly at 10:45 am.
Remaining games start immediately after both sections are completed.
Written chess notations optional; scoresheets available.
Awards to the top three winners in each section.
Awards Ceremony presentations and group photos at the conclusion of all games.