Buffalo Museum of Science 1020 Humboldt Pkwy., Buffalo, New York 14211

At BubbleFEST, participate in family-friendly bubble activities and demonstrations, bubble crafts and much more. From bubble walls to bubble windows, bubble tools, bubbles in nature, frozen bubbles, and bubble pools, this event bubbles over with FUN every year. As an add-on, don’t miss Bubblemania shows with The Bubble Man, Doug Rougeux!
All ages, tickets $22 per adult, $19 children 2-17, FREE for BMS Members.
Add-on Bubblemania Shows: additional $6 per person
Looking for Sensory Night: BubbleFEST tickets the night before on Friday, Sep. 13? Visit https://www.sciencebuff.org/event/sensory-night-bubblefest/